Table 7.

Summary of canopy and root mass (kg) mean comparisons and canopy:root ratios for all species growing in compacted and uncompacted soils. For each species, means in the same column with a different letter are significantly different (P < 0.05). For L. confertus and Olea europaea, to simplify interpretation, paired letters (ab), (bc), (de), and (fg) are significantly different from each other (P < 0.05). The row mean allows total canopy and root mass regardless of soil treatment for species comparison, while the column mean is the total canopy and root mass for compacted versus uncompacted soils.

A. littoralisC. maculata
Canopy0.400.59  0.49a  4.28a  2.31a  3.29a
Root0.080.17  0.13b  0.94b  0.48b  0.71b
Canopy:shoot ratio3.834.234.875.35
C. sempervirensE. polyanthemos
Canopy  0.97a  1.15a  1.06a  11.09a  10.64a  10.87a
Root  0.24b  0.28b  0.26b  2.19b  2.87b  2.53b
Canopy:shoot ratio3.994.116.504.15
L. confertusO. europaea
Canopy  1.00a  2.78b  1.89d  0.94a  3.00b  1.97d
Root  0.31b  0.65c  0.48e0.57  1.39c  0.98e
Mean  0.65f  1.72g  0.75f  2.19g
Canopy:shoot ratio4.353.791.521.99
Q. palustrisW. floribunda
Canopy  0.16a  0.19a  0.17a0.43  0.83a  0.63a
Root  0.29b  0.38b  0.33b0.24  0.32b  0.28b
Canopy:shoot ratio0.520.452.012.31