Table 1.

The effects of mulch, lawn, and tilling treatments on the growth of bare-root landscape trees.

Root density at soil depth (mm2 surface/150 cm2 soil)DiameterCrown
Treatment0-5 cm5-10 cm10-15 cmTotalincrease (cm)devel.*
1 Lawn41.8a**161.6a203.7a407.1a0.96a0.920a
2 Mulch634.6b535.8b418.0b1588.4b2.54b1.504b
3 Lawn & till46.2a177.7a206.3a430.20.60a0.767a
4 Mulch & till25l.7ab410.3b415.8b1077.8b2.31b1.362b
  • * Relative surface area of the silhouette

  • ** Values in each column with the same letter are not significantly different at the 5 percent level (P=0.05).