Table 1.

Mean Insect* counts/5 compound leaves on foliage of pecan trees treated with trunk Injection or Implantation of certain pesticides, Plains, Ga., 6 June 1979.

Control.67 a20 a
Benomyl0 b13 ab
Dicrotophos0 b8.0 ab
Benomyl + Dicrotophos0 b5.3 b
Acephate0 b7.0 ab
  • * Documentation for insect abbreviations in tables 1-5: UBLM — Upper-blotch leafminer; MNA — Yellow aphid, Monelliopsis nigropunctata adults; MCA — Yellow aphid Monellia cosfa//s adults; YAN — Yellow aphid nymphs, M. nigropunctata nymphs + Mn. costalis nymphs; SYA — Sum yellow aphids, MNA + MCA + YAN; TCA — Black pecan aphid, Tinocallis caryaefoliae adults and nymphs; BAD — Black aphid damage sites, chlorotic lesions or scorch; SBA — Sum black aphids, TCA + BAD; PN — Phylloxera notabilis galls; EHD — Pecan leaf scorch mite, Eotetranychus hicoriae damage, leaflets curled and mites present.