Table 5.

Mean Insect* counts/5 compound leaves on foliage of pecan trees treated with trunk Injection or Implantation of certain pesticides, Plains, Ga., 29 August 1979.

Control57 b61 ab
Benomyl151 ab154 ab
Dicrotophos56 ab59 ab
Benomyl + Dicrotophos27 b28 b
Acephate182 a183 a
  • * See documentation below Table 1 for insect species names which correspond to each column. Means in the same column followed by similar letters are not significantly different at the p = .05 level. No significant differences were found between treatments for population levels of UBLM, MNA, MCA, YAN, SYA, TCA. PN levels were not counted and EHD was not distinct due to high aphid population levels.