Table 3.

Sprout regrowth in 1979 for American sycamore and shamel ash injected with dikegulac and maleic hydrazide in 1977, and located in Philadelphia, PA and Hayward, CA, respectively.

Treatment concn (g/liter)Regrowth per limbaFlb
No. of sproutsMean sprout length (cm)Longest sprout (cm)
American sycamore; Philadelphia, PA
Dikegulac —
Maleic hydrazide
LSD 5%1.652.262.4
Shamel ash; Hayward, CA
Dikegulac —
Maleic hydrazide
LSD 5%1.181.3107.8
  • a Mean no. of sprouts per limb per tree and mean length of the longest sprout per limb.

  • b FI is a subjective foliar index rating (observed prior to fall coloration) on a 0 to 5 scale with 0 designating normal foliage and 5 designating dead foliage on the entire tree.

  • * Treatment mean significantly different from the control, 5% level.