Table 2.

Wounds in sugar maples following implants of Medicap MD.

Treatment1Wound Rating2
3 Months18 Months
Implant at stem/root buttress interface
  Experimental “T”4.25.2
  Experimental “T” and
Medical MD4.45.4
  Medicap MD5.06.0
  Control (Empty Medicap MD Capsule)2.83.8
  • 1 Creative Sales implants were made using a 3/8“ diameter drill to a depth of 1.5 “ into the xylem. Medicap MD contains in dry formulation (Total nitrogen 12.0%, available phosphoric acid 4.0%, soluble potash 4.0%, iron 4.0%, manganese 4.0% and zinc 4.0%).

  • 2 Wounds were rated on a scale of 1-7. 1 =Lateral death of tissues (LDT) involving pholem, cambium and xylem restricted to the diameter of drill bit or insertion tool. 7 = LDT greater than 20 mm. Average of 5 trees. (5 wounds/treatment. Total 20 wounds)