Table 1.

Influence of transplanting methods on shoot growth of Grey Rock juniper and on foliar injury of Anderson yew.

Shoot growth (cm)Injury rating1% with injury
1st year2nd year
B&B1.4 b320.81.8 b63
PF poly bag (30 cm root)1.0 b19.61.8 b78
PF poly bag (45 cm root)1.9 b20.41.7 b69
Agricol0.9 b21.62.5 a88
Wilt-Pruf NCF1.5 b16.31.5 b50
Wilt-Pruf NC + PF poly bag23.4 a   23.31.6 b56
  • 1. Ratings: 1 = no injury; 2 = partial needle loss, no twig dieback; 3 = extensive needle loss and twig diebadk and 4 = dead

  • 2. Yew also treated with Agricol

  • 3. Mean separation within columns by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test, 5% level

  • 4. NS = F-test not significant at 5% level