Table 1.

Response of six tree species on the University of Illinois campus to treatments with ferric citrate powder.

Tree speciesNumber of treesAverage dbh (inches)Color Rating3
Pin oak1   5   62.27.9    5.7
Control   3   62.22.8    0.8
Pin oak2   8165.26.9    1.7
Control10153.83.6— 0.2
Bald cypress2   5184.37.7    3.4
Control   3243.03.7    0.7
Red oak2   385.27.3    2.1
Control   2107.07.0    0.0
Swamp white oak215   66.67.0    0.4
Control13   67.16.1— 1.0
Sweet gum2   7106.58.4    1.9
Control   4176.06.3    0.3
American sycamore2   2125.06.3    1.3
Control   3156.07.0    1.0
  • 1 Treated July 24, 19 74; color rating taken at end of two growing seasons (early September, 19 75).

  • 2 Treated June 1 7-19, 1975; color rating taken at end of first growing season (early September, 1975).

  • 3 Color code: 1-6, shades of yellow; 7-10, shades of green; 10, dark green.