Table 1.

Transmissible diseases of trees with a MLO etiology

Common nameTypeHostReference
Ash witches’ broomyellowsFraxinus americanaHibben & Wolanski, 1970. Phytopathology 60:1295 (Abstr.)
Brooming of black locustyellowsRobinia pseudoacaciaSeliskar et al. 1973. Phytopathology 63:30
Bunch of walnutyellowsJuglans spp.Hutchins & Wester. 1947. Phytopathology 37:11 (Abstr.)
Lethal yellows of palmyellowsCocos nuciferaPlavsic-Banja et al. 1972. Phytopathology 62:298.
Pecan bunchyellowsCarya illinoensisSeliskar et al. 1974. Phytopathology 64:1269.
Phloem necrosis of elmUlmus americanaWilson et al. 1972. Phytopathology 62:140.