Table 5.

Multiple regressions and coefficients relating basal area growth since topping (G) with percent of crown remaining after topping (H) and diameter breast high (D), and levels of significance.

SpeciesMultiple regression equationMultiple regression coefficientSimple correlations (r-values)
AmericanG = 0.0242+ 0.00032D2 + 0.00008H0.69**0.0040.685**−0.048
HickoryG = 0.0286 + 0.0001 8D2 − 0.00002H0.62*−0.0490.624**−0.071
Oak, chestnutG = 0.0035 + 0.00019D2 + 0.00086H0.59**0.458**0.514**0.347
Oak, n. redG = 0.0324 + 0.00034D2 + 0.00068H0.54**0.1460.545**0.248
Oak, whiteG = 0.0425 + 0.00012D2 − 0.00007H0.48*0.0120.483*−0.040
Pine, VirginiaG = 0.0431 + 0.00049D2 − 0.00039H0.76**−0.1790.690**0.206
SweetgumG = 0.0198 + 0.00037D2 − 0.00003H0.77**−0.0570.775**−0.034
SycamoreG = −0.083 + 0.00054D2 + 0.00179H0.95*−0.1750.935**−0.353
Yellow-poplarG = 0.0365 + 0.00031 D2 + 00339H0.57**0.521**0.2560.051
  • r = simple correlation coefficient

  • * = significant at 0.05 level

  • ** = significant at 0.01 level