Table 2.

Measured root characteristics for nonconcentric radial growth patterns on the windward edge and within the interior of an experimental grove of Acer rubrum (dbh 28 to 44 cm) in the 2016 harvest. Means and (standard deviation) for root position in reference to wind loading for initial root size at 10 cm from trunk edge, UBT distance, UBT root diameter, and Zone of Rapid Taper (ZRT) distance from trunk edge. In a comparative distance from the UBT to ZRT, a positive number indicates UBT was beyond the taper zone, whereas a negative number indicates the UBT occurred before taper ended.

Plantation edgeRoot diameter (mm)201 (62.2)92 (14)
N = 4 treesUBT distance (mm)653 (215)881 (365)
Root diameter (mm) at UBT95 (36)64 (18)
ZRT: trunk to end of taper (mm)862 (314)791 (339)
Distance UBT from ZRT (mm)−208 (283)90.6 (157)
Replicate count46
Plantation interiorRoot diameter (mm)112 (58)149 (33)
N = 4 treesUBT distance (mm)748 (224)775 (132)
Root diameter (mm) at UBT52 (11)71 (14)
ZRT: trunk to end of taper (mm)726 (205)825 (75)
Distance UBT From ZRT (mm)21 (129)−50 (188)
Replicate count45