Table 1.

Foliar symptoms and survival of 13 pine species subjected to NaCI spray

Specie.Average symptoms (%)z (treated minus control) Time after the first year's spraying ende.Survival of treated plants (expressed as % survival of control plants)y Time after the first year's spraying ende.
2 weeks4 weeks17 weeks17 weeks1 year2 years2½ years
P. thunbergii0 a0 a3 a1001008989
P. ponderosa1 ab2 ab6 ab100 959595
P. nigra5 bc3 abc5 ab 95 858989
P. strobiformis6 bcd6 bcd37 bc 90 807565
P. cembra6 bcd5 bcd24 abc 80  59* 47*  6*
P. densiflora7 cd11 cde27 abc  57*  46* 32* 32*
P. aristata7 cd21 e  43 c  50*  43* 38* 17*
P. parviflora11 cde25 e46 c 63 7173 40*
P. peuce12 cde22 e28 abc 67  50* 33* 17*
P. resinosa14 de17 de42 c  47* 42* 37* 26*
P. sylvestris14 de23 e33 bc 90 80 70* 60*
P. banksiana18 ef17 de44 c 68 44* 22* 11*
P. strobus27 f45 f85 d 40* 40* 25* 15*
  • z Mean separation within columns by Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test, 5% level. Numbers followed by the same letter within columns not considered significantly different.

  • y An asterisk indicates a significant decrease at the 5% level in the number of seedlings surviving the salt spray compared to those surviving the water spray treatment.