Active Investor Traits (Entrepreneurs)Passive Investor Traits (Bankers)
Profit MotivatedIncome Motivated
Credit-drivenDeposit interest rate-driven
Utilizes profit for more investments, more wealthUtilizes income to purchase consumer lifestyle
Motivated to gain control over own destinyMotivated to gain power over others
Strong individual egoStrong team ego
Thinks bankers uncreativeLikes and trusts bankers
Considers bankers business adversaries
Has minimum net worth of $150,000 excluding consumer goods, especially primary residenceAlways has strong net worth ($1 million minimum) as long as personal possessions are included (because of the quality-of-life drive)
Show lowest possible individual, declared, annual incomeShows large declared family income
Nontraditional taxpayerTraditional taxpayer
Provider of consumer goodsUser of consumer goods