Table 1.

Pesticide monitoring programs in the United States in the 1970s.

ProgramMatrix collected
Environmental Protection Agency
 National Human Monitoring ProgramHuman adipose tissue
Human blood serum
Human urine
 National Soils Monitoring Program
Agricultural soils
Raw agricultural crops
Urban soils
 National Surface Water toring ProgramSurface water
Bottom sediment
 National Estuarine Monitoring ProgramEstuarine finfish
Estuarine shellfish
 National Air Monitoring Program Suburban Air StudiesAmbient air
 Suburban Air StudiesAmbient air in suburban locales
Food and Drug Administration
 Market Basket SurveyProcessed, ready-to eat food
Food and Feed SurveyRaw foods and animal feed
Department of Agriculture
 Red Meat and Poultry SurveillanRed meats and poultry
Department of the Interior
 Freshwater Fish SurveyFreshwater fish
 Bird Monitoring ProgramsStarling (non-migratory) Mallard ducks (migratory