Table 2.

LiDAR indices used in the present study.

AbbreviationCalculation MethodReference
VALLNVegetation/NAllMaltamo et al. 2004; Sasaki et al. 2008; 2016b
VFONVegetation/(NFirst + NOnly)Sasaki et al. 2008
VFFONVegetationFirst/(NFirst + NOnly)Sasaki et al. 2016b
VLLONVegetationLast/(NLast + NOnly)Sasaki et al. 2016b
VOFONVegetationOnly/(NFirst + NOnly)
VFVOFO(NVegetationFirst + NVegetationOnly)/(NFirst + NOnly)Korhonen et al. 2011
VLVOLO(NVegetationLast + NVegetationOnly)/(NLast + NOnly)Korhonen et al. 2011
VOONVegetationOnly/NOnlySasaki et al. 2008
VOVFVONVegetationOnly/(NVegetationFirst + NVegetationOnly)Sasaki et al. 2016b
NAllNumber of all the returns
NFirstNumber of the “first” returns
NLastNumber of the “last” returns
NOnlyNumber of the “only” returns
NVegetationNumber of the vegetation returns
NVegetationFirstNumber of the “first” returns within the vegetation returns
NVegetationLastNumber of the “last” returns within the vegetation returns
NVegetationOnlyNumber of the “only” returns within the vegetation returns