Table 1.

Resistance of species to hurricane-related damages* (in descending order of resistance).

BreakageUprootingSaltDeterioration by Insects and Disease
Live oakLive oakLive oakLive oak
Bald cypressBald cypressSlash pineSweetgum
Pond cypressPond cypressLongleaf pineWater oak
SweetgumTupelo gumPond cypressSycamore
Tupelo gumRed cedarLoblolly pineBald cypress
MimosaSweetgumRed cedarPond cypress
DogwoodSycamoreTupelo gumSouthern red oak
MagnoliaLongleaf pineBald cypressMagnolia
Sweet bayMimosaSweetgumTupelo gum
Southern red oakSouthern red oakWater oakSweet bay
Water oakMagnoliaSycamoreHickory
SycamoreSlash pineSweet bayPecan
Longleaf pineLoblolly pineSouthern red oakRed cedar
Slash pineSweet bayHickoryRed maple
Loblolly pineWater oakMimosaMimosa
Red cedarRed maplePecanDogwood
HickoryDogwoodMagnoliaLongleaf pine
Red mapleHickoryRed mapleSlash pine
PecanPecanDogwoodLoblolly pine
  • * Touliatos and Roth, 1971.