Table 4.

Characteristics of mature and declininα trees.

CharacterMature treeDeclining tree
Shoot elongation—
   extentnormal for speciesgreatly reduced
   patternnormal for speciessingle flush only
Crown formnormal—some loss of apical controlstag-headed, die-back
Foliage developmentnormalreduced size and density
Foliage retention (evergreens)normalpoor
Presence of epicormic shootsgenerally absentpresent
Compartmentalization responsenormal for speciesreduced
Wound-wood formationnormal for speciesinhibited/reduced
Integrity of barkstrongweak
Susceptibility to parasitesnormal for speciesincreased
Reproductive behaviornormal, may be cyclicmay produce stress crops
Stress responsenormalreduced
Fall colorationnormalpremature