Table 2

Vegetation chosen for Tucson, comparison of residents and students.

Students (n=48)Residents (n=34)
* 1 native low water-use12.555.9
native high water-use4.22.9
* 2 non-native low water-use2.147.1
non-native medium water-use48.352.9
non-native high wateruse19.017.6
Ground Cover
low water-use3.42.9
*3 high water-use13.80.0
low water-use5.25.9
*4 high water-use12.10.0
Other(i.e. flowers etc.)15.55.9
  • * P = .O5 Chi-Squares: 1) 15.67, 2) 21.84, 3) 4.53, and 4) 3.71 (1df). Multiple answers were possible.