Table 2. Results of the computer modelling, in terms of Radiation absorbed by a person (R), energy budget of a person (S), and equivalent comfort class.
SpeciesSummer conditionsSpring conditionsWinter conditions
tR(W/m2)S(W/m2)Comfort Class *tR(W/m2)S(W/m2)Comfort Class* *tR(W/m2)S(W/m2)Comfort Class * * *
Aesculus hippocastanum.08378450.08363.52.1.7349130
Juglans nigra.09380470.09365.51.1.7248810
Acer platanoìdes.10382480.10367.50.1.7549780
Platanus acerifolia.11383490.11368.490.46408.63.1
Elaeagnus angustifolia.13386521.13371.460
Betula pendula.20396631.20382.380.52430.460
Carya ovata.23401671.23387.340.66470.140
Populus tremuloides.31412791.31400.240
Gleditsia triacanthos.38422891.38409.160
(high estimate).85528330
(low estimate).48414.58.1
  • * 0 = person would prefer no change (comfortable), 1 = person would prefer to be cooler, 2 = person would prefer to be much cooler

  • * * 1 = person would prefer to be warmer, 0 = person would prefer no change (comfortable), 1 = person would prefer to be cooler

  • * * * 1 = person would prefer to be warmer, 0 = person would prefer no change (comfortable), 1 = person would prefer to be cooler