Table 1.

Numbers of street trees in the U.S., mean and median, by city population, 1986.

Population (thousands)ReportingCities in categoryMedianMean
over 1,000  1  6      …680,000
500 - 999  517140,000161,334
250 - 499  133459,610118,154
100 - 249  4011339,120   64,894
   50 - 99  7128020,000   34,595
   25 - 4911561611,800   16,490
   10 - 241381545   5,600   13,614
   5 - 9.9  61744     360     1,492
2.5 - 4.9112284     250     1,059
All cities 400  7043     11,000   29,677
  • 1 Sum of median number of street trees in size categories multiplied by the number of cities in category.

  • 2 Sum of mean number of street trees in size category multiplied by the number of cities in category.