Table 2.

Mean height increase (cm) and percentage growth differential in roadside soil compared to peat for Acer platanoides, Aesculus hippocastanum and Betula pendula, 1992 and 1993.

YearHeight increase
PeatRoadside soilPercent1
A. platanoides1992129.6 a221.6 b83.3 a
1993123.3 a43.0 a65.1 b
A. hippocastanum199226.2 b16.7 a36.3 b
199331.6 a17.4 a44.9 a
B. pendula1992101.6 b60.9 b40.1 a
1993140.7 a97.6 a30.6 b
  • 1 Growth differential (%) in roadside soil compared to peat.

  • 2 Values followed by the same letter within a species and column are not significantly different at P = 0.05 according to Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsh (REGWQ) multiple-range test.