Table 2.

Circling barrier effects on mean root number (>2mm diameter) for ash and poplar at 30,90, and 150 cm outside the barrier and at equivalent distances for controls.

Distance from barrier (cm)Distance from barrier (cm)
Root numberRoot number
Biobarrier13.3 b13.3 b8.4 b10.1 ab8.3 ab3.0
Deep Root10.6 b9.2 b6.7 b5.6 c4.1 c1.7
Root Block12.0 b9.6 b6.2 b5.8 c4.5 be1.4
Typar11.4b11.4 b6.6 b6.4 be4.9 be1.4
Control19.4 a20.5 a13.9 a11.1 a9.7 a3.1
  • Means within columns followed by same letter are not significantly different using Fisher’s Protected LSD (p =0.05). n.s. = no significant difference. Each mean is calculated across main plot treatments (10 trees). No significant interactions for main x subplots were found.