Table 1.

Description and expected coefficient signs of variables used in the Hedonic Pricing Model for Lakeland, Tennessee, USA.

VariablesDescriptionExpected sign
Price05Home sales price (2005 USD)N/A
LotSizeLot size in square metersPositive
HouseSizeFloor area of home in square metersPositive
SaleAgeAge in years of home at the time of saleNegative
Bath (#)Number of bathrooms at the time of salePositive
FireplaceNumber of fireplacesPositive
PoolDummy variable for presence or absence of swimming poolPositive
NearArtDistance in meters to nearest arterial roadwayPositive
NearC2Distance in meters to nearest commercial businessPositive
Elem_DistDummy variable for elementary school districtN/A
Middle_DistDummy variable for middle school districtN/A
CanPER_LOTPercent tree cover on the sample parcelPositive
Canopy_100 maPercent tree cover within the 100-m bufferPositive
Canopy_500 maPercent tree cover within the 500-m bufferPositive
Canopy_1 kmaPercent tree cover within the 1-km bufferPositive
DistPubParDistance in meters to nearest public parkNegative
DistLakeDistance in meters to nearest lakeNegative
DistGolfDistance in meters to nearest golf courseNegative
  • a Buffers were non-overlapping.