Table 2.

Mean percent spatial distribution of S. multistriatus tunnels, dead adults, and sex ratio based on 7 trees.

BandMean % distribution ofSex ratio (m:f)
TunnelsxDead beetles
134.5 ay36.3 a1:4.3 a
239.0 a40.7 a1:3.8 a
319.1 b17.1 b1:4.1 a
45.5 c5.5 c1:3.2 a
52.0 c0.4 dNAz
  • x Both number of tunnels and number of dead beetles were expressed per dm2 of surface area, then as a percent distribution by section. Statistical analysis performed with arcsin of square root of proportion transformed data.

  • y Means within a column with no letters in common are significantly different by Fisher’s Protected LSD test at P=0.05.

  • z Only females attacked this section in a very low attack density.