Table 2.

Percentage of the leaves injured (PLI) and Horsfall-Barratt (H-B) rating for foliar injury for 6 red maple cultivars exposed to 4 acute levels of ozone.

CultivarPLIzH-B rating
Autumn Blazey1.9abx1.5b
Autumn Flame0.3b1.1c
Fairview Flame3.4a1.6ab
Franksred (Red Sunset™)1.8ab1.4b
October Glory2.9a1.6ab
Ozone Concentration (ppb)
  • z Cv. X O3 not significant; hence, only main effects are reported. PLI and H-B rating data were transformed using an arc-sin transformation before analysis. Retransformed mean values are presented. H-B ratings: 1 = 0%, 2 = 1% to 3%, 3 = 3% to 6% of the leaf area injured.

  • y PLI and H-B rating are across ozone concentrations.

  • x Mean separation within rows by Duncan’s multiple range test, P = 0.05.

  • w PLI and H-B rating are across cultivars.

  • v Linear or quadratic response significant at the 1 % (**) or 0.1 %(***) level.