Table 2.

Number of gypsy moth egg masses on oak trees treated with ground-based insecticide applications and sticky trunk barriers.

Insecticide treatmentTrunk barrierNo. of egg masses per tree (pre-season)No. of egga masses per tree (post-season)
ControlPresent42.3 ± 32.330.0 ± 16.0
 Absent16.0 ±4.517.3 + 9.1
SoapPresent88.7 + 41.159.3 ± 26.5
 Absent112.0 ±55.653.7 ± 25.8
B.t.Present28.7 + 4.619.7 ±2.4
 Absent56.0 ± 42.531.3 ± 12.6
CyfluthrinPresent84.3 ± 34.052.0 ± 19.3
 Absent122.0 ±79.862.0 ± 59.3
  • Values are mean ± SEM. Result of analysis of variance given in text.

  • a Data transformed to In (x +100) prior to analysis.