The concentration of iron in leaf tissue from 2-year-old pin oak (Quercus palustris) seedlings grown in either acidic or alkaline soil medium and inoculated with live or autoclaved soil from 3 different sites.
Soil pH1 | Site2 | Autoclaved inoculum | Iron (ppm) |
Acidic | Forest | No | 53.1 abcde3 |
Acidic | Chlorotic | No | 48.7 bcde |
Acidic | Non-chlorotic | No | 46.1 cde |
Acidic | Forest | Yes | 54.1 abcd |
Acidic | Chlorotic | Yes | 65.0 a |
Acidic | Non-chlorotic | Yes | 58.7 ab |
Alkaline | Forest | No | 56.1 abc |
Alkaline | Chlorotic | No | 55.2 abc |
Alkaline | Non-chlorotic | No | 46.7 bcde |
Alkaline | Forest | Yes | 51.3 bcde |
Alkaline | Chlorotic | Yes | 40.7 e |
Alkaline | Non-chlorotic | Yes | 42.5 de |
Means | 5.15 | ||
Model | 0.01374 | ||
Ph | 0.0336 | ||
Site | 0.2365 | ||
Inoculation | 0.6769 | ||
pH*Site | 0.2998 | ||
pH*lnoculation | 0.0010 | ||
Site*lnoculation | 0.6136 | ||
pH*Site*lnoculation | 0.1450 |
↵1 Acidic soil pH = 5.5 and alkaline soil pH = 7.5.
↵2 Soil inoculum from pin oak forest stand, urban chlorotic pin oak trees, and urban non-chlorotic pin oak trees.
↵3 Means (n = 36) in the same column with a different letter are significantly different at the α = 0.05 level using a Fisher’s protected LSD.
↵4 Significance probabilities from the F statistic from an ANOVA. Significant values (P ≤ 0.05) in bold.