Codes used to analyze included studies.
Code | Type of code | Description of code |
Authors | In vivo* | Last name, first name of all authors |
Title | Text | Title of the article |
Publisher/journal | In vivo | Full name |
Month | Text | Month published |
Year | Numeric | Year published |
Full citation | Text formatted | Full citation in the ISA citation style— |
Keywords | In vivo | Keywords from the article |
Study location: city | Text | City or multiple cities studied |
Study location: state | Text | State or multiple states studied |
Study location: country | Text | Country or multiple countries studied |
Site type | Categories | Urban forest, urban green space, trees—planted, trees—natural, gardens |
Document type | Text | Article, gray literature, book, conference proceedings, manuscript, thesis |
Report citations | Yes/no/NA | If the article is a report, has it been cited in the peer-reviewed literature? |
Total citations | Numeric | How many times has the article been cited? |
Journal impact factor | Numeric | What is the impact factor of the journal? |
Search strategy | Text | How was the article discovered: database name, from another article (name of article), from a person (name of person), from an internet search? |
Reviewer | Text | Name of project personnel that coded article |
Theoretical framework | Text or NA | If a framework is used, description for framework; Otherwise, NA |
Goals/objectives/research questions | In vivo | What are the stated goals or objectives of the study? |
Hypotheses | In vivo | What are the stated hypotheses of the study? |
Data collection method in vivo | In vivo | Text description of how the data was collected |
Data collection method summary | Text | Summary/synthesis of data collection method in preset categories |
Data analysis method in vivo | In vivo | Text description of data analysis technique(s), as copied from the article |
Data analysis method summary | Text | Summary/synthesis of data analysis method in preset categories |
Treatment of resilience | Text | How does the article define resilience? |
Resilience indicators | Text | If they state what their indicators of resilience will be, copy that. Otherwise, leave this blank or write “no indicators used.” |
Resilience of what? | Text | What is described as being resilient (e.g., trees themselves, managers, communities) |
Resilience of what? | Code | Ecological component, ecological system, social component, social system, social-ecological component, social-ecological system |
Resilience to what? | Text | What the system is described as being resilient to (e.g., climate change, human disturbance) |
Resilience to what? | Code | Pulse or press |
Resilience for whom? | Text | To whom the system is resilient for (e.g., subpopulations of people, wildlife) |
Resilience for whom? | Code | Actors or organizations |
Resilience perspective | Text | The systems perspective of the study: social, ecological, social-ecological |
Definition of urban forest | Text/in vivo | Coded from the study when possible, otherwise summarized; will include description of what is included in an urban forest (e.g., street trees, park trees, privately owned trees, etc.) |
Additional notes | Text | Anything that will help co-authors keep track of salient information |
↵* in vivo coding refers to codes that use the actual words within the text, as opposed to codes chosen by the reviewer to represent the text