Appendix Table 2.

Codes used to analyze included studies.

CodeType of codeDescription of code
AuthorsIn vivo*Last name, first name of all authors
TitleTextTitle of the article
Publisher/journalIn vivoFull name
MonthTextMonth published
YearNumericYear published
Full citationText formattedFull citation in the ISA citation style—
KeywordsIn vivoKeywords from the article
Study location: cityTextCity or multiple cities studied
Study location: stateTextState or multiple states studied
Study location: countryTextCountry or multiple countries studied
Site typeCategoriesUrban forest, urban green space, trees—planted, trees—natural, gardens
Document typeTextArticle, gray literature, book, conference proceedings, manuscript, thesis
Report citationsYes/no/NAIf the article is a report, has it been cited in the peer-reviewed literature?
Total citationsNumericHow many times has the article been cited?
Journal impact factorNumericWhat is the impact factor of the journal?
Search strategyTextHow was the article discovered: database name, from another article (name of article), from a person (name of person), from an internet search?
ReviewerTextName of project personnel that coded article
Theoretical frameworkText or NAIf a framework is used, description for framework; Otherwise, NA
Goals/objectives/research questionsIn vivoWhat are the stated goals or objectives of the study?
HypothesesIn vivoWhat are the stated hypotheses of the study?
Data collection method in vivoIn vivoText description of how the data was collected
Data collection method summaryTextSummary/synthesis of data collection method in preset categories
Data analysis method in vivoIn vivoText description of data analysis technique(s), as copied from the article
Data analysis method summaryTextSummary/synthesis of data analysis method in preset categories
Treatment of resilienceTextHow does the article define resilience?
Resilience indicatorsTextIf they state what their indicators of resilience will be, copy that. Otherwise, leave this blank or write “no indicators used.”
Resilience of what?TextWhat is described as being resilient (e.g., trees themselves, managers, communities)
Resilience of what?CodeEcological component, ecological system, social component, social system, social-ecological component, social-ecological system
Resilience to what?TextWhat the system is described as being resilient to (e.g., climate change, human disturbance)
Resilience to what?CodePulse or press
Resilience for whom?TextTo whom the system is resilient for (e.g., subpopulations of people, wildlife)
Resilience for whom?CodeActors or organizations
Resilience perspectiveTextThe systems perspective of the study: social, ecological, social-ecological
Definition of urban forestText/in vivoCoded from the study when possible, otherwise summarized; will include description of what is included in an urban forest (e.g., street trees, park trees, privately owned trees, etc.)
Additional notesTextAnything that will help co-authors keep track of salient information
  • * in vivo coding refers to codes that use the actual words within the text, as opposed to codes chosen by the reviewer to represent the text