Table 1.

Average irrigation demand (AID) of five container-grown urban tree species.

SpeciesAID (liters/container)zChi-sq.y
Red maple4.3a5.7a5.3a15.3a.26
Green ash4.4a5.5ab4.7b14.6ab.03
W. hawthorn3.5b5.0bc4.9ab13.4b.30
  • z Each value represents the mean of 15 seedlings. AID determined by subtracting the volume of leachate collected from the volume of water applied per seedling. Mean values in a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different, LSD 0.05.

  • y Chi-square comparison of AID distribution with potential evapotranspiration (ETp), df=2. All values non-significant. ETp calculations for June, July and August were 10.6,11,4 and 10.3, respectively, as computed by the Thornthwaite equation.