Table 2.

Mean percent leaf area consumed and mean dried fecal pellet weights for adult Japanese beetles feeding on selected Tilia spp. and cultivars growing in the Tilia spp. collection in a nochoice laboratory feeding study (July 1997).

Species/varielyzMean percent leaf area consumedMean dried fecal pellet weight (mg)Field defoliationy survey rating
T. amurensis44.8 a68.1 bL
T. tomentosa50.5 a38.4 aM
T. heterophylla ‘Continental Appeal’55.0 a44.3 abL
Sassafras albidum (standard)49.8 a38.1 a
  • z Values within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05; Student-Neuman-Keuls multiple comparison test).

  • y Field defoliation rating: NF = no feeding, VL = very light (1–10% defoliation). L = light (11–25%), M = moderate (26–50%), H = heavy (>50%).