Table 2.

Occurrence of 15 common butterfly species on the ROW at 5 census counts distributed over the growing season.

Species5/31 - 6/2 19966/19 - 6/20 19957/5 - 7/6 19957/22 - 7/23 19958/13 - 8/14 1995Total
Number of Individuals
Cabbage White110224472176
Little Wood-Satyr13916146
Great Spangled Fritillary514599114
Eastern Tailed-Blue3212641
European Skipper19524
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail5351023
Meadow Fritillary114419
Black Swallowtail231116
Peck’s Skipper613313
Dun Skipper93113
Pearl Crescent9211
Silver-spotted Skipper4329
Spring Azure4228
Spicebush Swallowtail99
Clouded Sulphur347