Table S4.

Parameters and scoring functions for the Rapid Urban Site Index (RUSI) model. Precipitation = PPT; growing degree days = GDD; exposure = EXP; traffic = TRA; infrastructure = INF; surface = SUR; texture = TEX; structure = STR; penetration = PEN; A-horizon = HOR; estimated rooting area = ERA; wet aggregate stability = WAS; soil organic matter = SOM; electrical conductivity = EC; sand = S; sandy clay = SC; silt = SI; sandy loam = SL; clay = C; loam = L; clay loam = CL; loamy sand = LS; sandy clay loam = SCL; silty clay = SIC; silt loam = SIL; silty clay loam = SICL; coarse fragment (>2 mm in diameter) = CF; massive = M; single-grained = SG; platy = PL; angular blocky = ABK; subangular blocky = SBK; granular = GR.

PPTamm yr−1< 500500 to 750751 to 1,000> 1,000
GDDd< 1,0001,001 to 2,5002,501 to 4,000> 4,000
EXP#01 to 23 to 45
TRAn/a> 4 lanes2 to 4; no parking2 to 4; parking< 2 lanes
INFm< 11 to 56 to 10> 10
SURn/anonpermeable or barepatchy vegetationthick vegetationorganic mulch
TEXn/ano soil; CF > 75%S, SI, C; CF = 50% to 75%LS, SCL, SICL, CL, SC, SIC; CF = 25% to 49%SL, SIL, L; CF < 25%
PENcm< 55 to 2020 with max effort20 with min effort
HORcm< 11 to 56 to 15> 15
ERAbm2< 55 to 2526 to 50> 50
WAS%no aggregates< 50% post soak< 50% post swirl> 50% post swirl
SOMIL SOM chartgraychip 1chip 2 to 3chip 4 to 5
ECμS cm−1< 50 or > 3,00050 to 100 or 2,001 to 3,000101 to 300 or 1,001 to 2,000301 to 1,000
pHn/a< 4 or > 94 to 4.9 or 8.1 to 95 to 5.9 or 6.6 to 86 to 6.5
  • aAdd 1 to the PPT if irrigation is present within 3 m of the tree.

  • bAdd 1 to the ERA score if a breakout zone of at least 50 m2 is present within 2 m of the main stem of the tree.