Table 2.

Hawthorn mealybug control trial, 1999.

Treatmentz and rateMealybugs/terminaly
Avid 0.15EC 4.0 oz + SunSpray ultra-fine spray oil 2 qt/100 gal0.25 c
SunSpray ultra-fine spray oil 2 gal/100 gal1.33 c
293,343 25G 4.0 oz/100 gal1.75 c
Astro 6.0 fl oz3.00 c
293,343 25G 2.0 oz/100 gal3.25 bc
293,343 25G 6.0 oz/100 gal3.25 bc
Orthene TTO 0.5 lb/100 gal12.00 b
Fulfill 5OWG 2.5 oz/100 gal12.00 b
Untreated check30.00 a
  • z Treatments applied 21 May, 1999. Evaluations were made 15 July by counting all mealybugs on the terminal 12 inches of four branches per treatment.

  • y Numbers not followed by the same letter are significantly different (P = 0.05) by SNK.