Table 2.

Regression equations and r2 values for red oak and red maple to determine the force required to break a codominant stem with one of two rod placement locations or nonrodded controls. Diameter (dia) was measured 30 cm (12 in.) below the crotch; it ranged from 4.9 to 15.6 cm (1.94 to 6.15 in.)

SpeciesNRod placementEquation to determine force in lbr2
Red maple10at-crotch447 (dia) – 5260.64
 8above859 (dia) – 1,7220.89
11control546 (dia) – 1,0510.79
Red oak 9at-crotch820 (dia) – 2,0240.89
15above1,541 (dia)– 3,9750.72
10control603 (dia) – 1,3370.94