Table 2.

Pennsylvania mail survey attitudes and practices responses.

ComponentAttitude (%)Practice (%)
Tree inventory83 necessary43 completed
67 use inventory
Annual inspections88 necessary52 do
Adequate tree care100 important29 have
51 pruned every 10 years
Topping other poor practice86 should not75 trees are
Utilities prune properly33 yes43 meet with utilities
Hazard trees removed annually98 important73 complete
Use ISA Certified Arborists71 important25 use
Trees planted annually84 important56 complete
Sites evaluated88 important69 complete
Street tree ordinance93 important78 have
20 do not enforce
63 trees removed no permission
Ordinances require standards85 important35 ANSI pruning
21 ANSI safety
22 nursery standards
Tree preservation ordinances81 important13 have
19 have landscape ordinance
Zoning used to preserve trees59 should19 are
Preserving trees in development87 important20 preserving historic trees
Tree plan90 necessary29 completed
Tree commission has education94 important45 complete
47 new members trained
Tree commission educates92 important92 officials
39 homeowners
28 public works
19 media
Use volunteers91 important63 use
Advertising program/build support67 important50 advertise
43 annual report
60 celebrate events
50 celebrate Arbor Day
11 brochure/newsletter
Funding should be municipal only19 agree89 municipal funding
21 agree effective with municipal
39 adequate funding
23 fundraise
84 use grants
40 grants largest source
61 program needs grants