Table 1.

Trunk cross-sectional area of Acer rubrum produced in seven container types after 5 years in the landscapez

Container typeTrunk cross-sectional area (cm2)
SBPC158 abcy
Copper-coated SBPCx140 bc
Low-profile BPCw167 abc
ARPCv117 bc
Low-profile ARPC222 a
Wooden box178 ab
Copper-coated wooden box105 c
  • z Average trunk cross-sectional area at planting = 11.9 cm2.

  • y Numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly different at α = 0.05.

  • x SBPC = standard black plastic container.

  • w BPC = black plastic container.

  • v ARPC = air root-pruning container.