Table 3.

Number of birds per individual species/100 ha/day, number of bird species of all species combined/100 ha/day, and total number of species observed per treatment unit on the Green Lane Research and Demonstration Area in spring and summer, 2001 and 2002 combined. Treatment units: M = mowing, F = foliage spray, MH = mowing plus herbicide, SF = stem–foliage spray, and HC = handcutting. Abundance of an individual species in a given treatment unit is underlined if exceeding 125 birds/100 ha/day.

Bird speciesTreatment unit
Field sparrow259274163276250
Common yellowthroat144199100193327
Indigo bunting138224142111312
Gray catbird2301166877156
Northern cardinal867512650316
Eastern towhee1011007990172
American goldfinch509126152140
Prairie warbler50116387762
House wren14831084047
Blue jay652553747
Tufted titmouse430264178
Yellow-breasted chat050035156
Carolina wren228383516
Eastern phoebe2925423531
Blue-winged warbler4325213531
Black-capped chickadee140424147
Fish crow50816094
Song sparrow8642000
Mourning dove221732716
Downy woodpecker717211432
Eastern kingbird00103579
Brown-headed cowbird29010063
Great crested flycatcher73352122
American robin7051179
Northern flicker14801447
Baltimore oriole7810716
Eastern bluebird781070
“Brewster’s” warbler700280
Ruby-throated hummingbird7001416
Red-bellied woodpecker005732
American crow220500
Blue-gray gnatcatcher7001416
Scarlet tanager0016016
Red-tailed hawk00570
Cedar waxwing000140
Red-eyed vireo080016
Black-and-white warbler000140
Wild turkey00500
Eastern wood-pewee00500
Carolina chickadee00500
White-breasted nuthatch00500
Wood thrush70000
White-eyed vireo00500
All species combined1,6741,7641,2461,5282,571
Total number of species3023333230