Table 1.

Treatment combinations and levels of fertilizer applied.

TreatmentAmount added (g/pot) of NPK (20-10-5)
F0W0No fertilizer and well-watered at field capacity ≥ –0.3 MPa
F0W1No fertilizer and water-stressed at soil water potential ≥ –1.5 MPa
F1W010 g of fertilizer and well-watered at field capacity ≥ –0.3 MPa
F1W110 g of fertilizer and water-stressed at soil water potential ≥ –1.5 MPa
F2W020 g of fertilizer and well-watered at field capacity ≥ –0.3 MPa
F2W120 g of fertilizer and water-stressed at soil water potential ≥ –1.5 MPa
F3W030 g of fertilizer and well-watered at field capacity ≥ –0.3 MPa
F3W130 g of fertilizer and water-stressed at soil water potential ≥ –1.5MPa
F4W040 g of fertilizer and well-watered at field capacity ≥ –0.3 MPa
F4W140 g of fertilizer and water-stressed at soil water potential ≥ –1.5 MPa
F5W050 g of fertilizer and well-watered at field capacity ≥ –0.3 MPa
F5W150 g of fertilizer and water-stressed at soil water potential ≥ –1.5 MPa