Table 5.

Mean new root numbers and percentage (in parentheses, rounded to a whole number) of 16 palm species by two depth zones and out to 90 cm from the trunk, The Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden, Arcadia, California, 1997–2000.

0–30 cm30–60 cm
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana14.0 a (72)5.6 b (29)
Brahea edulis5.7 a (92)0.5 b (9)
Butia capitata8.5 (53)7.6 (47)
Caryota mitis21.4 a (77)6.5 b (23)
Chamaerops humilis14.4 a (76)4.6 b (24)
Livistona chinensis15.0 (53)13.5 (48)
Livistona decipiens66.6 a (84)13.0 b (16)
Phoenix canariensis78.5 a (80)18.9 b (20)
Phoenix reclinata77.7 a (67)38.7 b (33)
Rhapidophyllum hystrix17.3 a (64)9.7 b (36)
Sabal etonia16.4 a (70)7.1 b (30)
Serenoa repens12.3 a (73)4.5 b (27)
Syagrus romanzoffiana49.8 (50)50.5 (50)
Trachycarpus fortunei45.8 a (77)13.5 b (23)
Trachycarpus wagnerianus91.6 a (97)2.5 b (3)
Washingtonia robusta116.5 a (71)46.7 b (29)
  • Means in the same row followed by a different letter are significantly different according to paired t-tests between columns, P < 0.05