Table 5.

Water use of three Quercus species in experiment 4.

SpeciesFamilynHeight (cm)Water use (g water day−1 cm ET−1)
Seedlingcm height
Q. macrocarpa258432.4 (15.3)z447.1 (174.9)16.3 (8.4)
349340.2 (14.2)388.0 (83.1)10.7 (3.2)
species avg.36.5 (15.1)391.3 (144.4)12.7 (7.1)
Q. palustris209841.7 (25.8)360.9 (81.9)10.6 (3.6)
289664.7 (20.0)771.7 (223.9)12.7 (4.0)
307644.5 (15.8)597.8 (166.5)14.8 (6.1)
species avg.49.9 (23.9)552.6 (227.6)12.6 (5.0)
Q. rubra218663.9 (31.1)476.9 (134.6)  9.1 (4.2)
227026.4 (16.5)313.6 (90.4)14.2 (4.6)
239458.8 (27.5)483.6 (114.5)  9.8 (4.2)
244739.6 (17.4)333.4 (103.5)  9.1 (2.3)
266338.4 (20.8)469.5 (146.5)14.5 (6.0)
279846.2 (23.0)475.9 (138.3)12.7 (6.4)
298155.2 (23.3)394.4 (111.8)  7.8 (2.5)
317540.3 (17.4)353.7 (99.4)  9.8 (3.3)
328946.6 (81.6)412.1 (14.1)  9.8 (3.9)
339237.0 (21.9)683.5 (183.4)24.4 (12.0)
358054.9 (18.8)636.8 (234.5)12.5 (5.0)
species avg.46.9 (24.3)466.4 (176.0)12.2 (7.4)
  • z Values within parentheses are the standard deviation of the mean.