Table 3.

Effect of planting depth treatment (0, 15, or 31 cm [0, 6, or 12 in] deep-planted), distance from the trunk (15 or 41 cm [6 or 16 in]), and species (maple or cherry) on the root depth ratio (RMD in top 30 cm [12 in] of soil/RMD in 30 to 60 cm [12 to 24 in] soil depth)z.

SourceDFF ValuePr > F
Distance1  0.27  0.6020
Treatment*distance2  2.35  0.1006
Species110.47  0.0016
Treatment*species2  0.76  0.4693
Distance*species1  0.38  0.5395
Treatment*distance*species2  0.29  0.7514
  • z Measurements were taken in December 1997, 1 year after transplanting.