Table 3.

Means (standard errors in parentheses) for stress (σ) and stress ratio (σ/MOR).z

Calculationnσ (kPa)Stress ratio
MOR2669948 (764) aN/A
Ellipse (IB)2650094 (1561) b0.72 (0.036) a
Ellipse (OB)1638603 (1525) c0.55 (0.024) b
Circle (OB)2628067 (2405) d0.40 (0.035) c
  • zThe modulus of rupture (MOR) comes from wood sample tests. Stress calculations were made considering the branch cross-section as either an ellipse or a circle (see equations 1 and 2, respectively) and measuring branch dimensions inside (IB) or outside (OB) bark. Means down a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P = 0.01 (Tukey highly significant difference).