Table 7.

Influence of PBZ on height and mean leaf size of containerized English (Quercus robur L.) and evergreen oak (Quercus ilex L.) placed outdoors over a 9-week period after the cessation of a 3-week drought period.z

TreatmentEvergreen OakEnglish Oak
Height (m)Mean leaf size (cm2)Height (m)Mean leaf size (cm2)
2 mL (0.06 fl oz) PBZ foliar spray0.96ns8.4ns0.99ns43.1ns
4 mL (0.12 fl oz) PBZ foliar spray0.83ns6.0*0.86*32.2*
5 mL (0.15 fl oz) PBZ root drench0.79*4.5*0.80*28.5*
10 mL (0.3 fl oz) PBZ root drench0.68*4.3*0.76*26.7*
  • zEnglish oak PBZ-treated plants: all values mean of ten trees. English oak control: all values mean of two trees.

  • Evergreen oak 2 mL (0.06 fl oz) PBZ foliar spray and 5 mL (0.15 fl oz) PBZ root drench-treated plants mean of eight trees. Four milliliters PBZ foliar spray and 10 mL (0.3 fl oz) PBZ root drench-treated plants mean of six trees.

  • Controls mean of four trees.

  • *Significantly different from controls according to least significant difference (LSD) at P < 0.05; ns = not significantly different from control value.

  • PBZ = paclobutrazol.