Table 1.

Soil profile on the two investigated sites.

Park soilAh112 cm (4.8 in)Sandy loamGranularVery dark brownWeed treesNutrient-rich, probably on filled topsoil after landscaping
Ah227 cm (10.8 in)Sandy loamLight granularDark brownTrees
B139 cm (15.6 in)Silt loamCompactedLight grayNoneCompacted from landscaping traffic
Bg65 cm (26 in)Silt loamCracked with root channelsGray + very extensive red mottlingTrees“Undisturbed” subsoil
Street planting PitO1  7 cm (2.8 in)Bark mulchVery coarseBrownNone
O2  9 cm (3.6 in)Bark mulch, structure lostUnder decompositionLight brownTree fine root
Ah64 cm (25.6 in)Artificial topsoil substrateLight compacted at 9 to 29 cm (3.6 to 11.6 in), below slightly hard, no granulationGrayMany tree roots; few roots grow under curbsHigh sand content, little humus, little silt, no clay; concrete fundament of curbs to 50 cm (20 in)
B1>64 cm (>25.6 in)Loamy clayPuddledYellow–light brownVery few tree rootsNot accessible for roots