Table 2.

Black spot (Marssonina rosae, anamorph Diplocarpon rosae) disease severity in roses (Rosa spp.) treated with different products under field environments.

TreatmentzHighest disease severity (0–5 scale)y
Application rate (product/L of water)20022003
Equate®18.3 mL/L (1.8%)1.50 cd1.00 e
UltraFine®14.0 mL/L (1.4%)1.80 bc1.50 bcde
Ajax®18.3 mL/L (1.8%)1.10 d1.13 de
Surround®  30 g/L (0.25 lb/gal)1.50 cd1.75 bcd
Neem Gold®10.0 mL/L (1.0%)2.20 ab1.25 cde
M-Pede®  8.3 mL/L (0.83%)1.80 bc1.63 bcde
Armicarb®  6.6 g/L (0.05 lb/gal)1.30 cd2.00 b
Bayleton  0.9 g/L (0.12 oz/gal)2.10 bc2.00 b
Triact 70®10.0 mL/L (1.0%)1.20 cd1.75 bcd
Insecticide and fungicide  0.3 g/L (0.04 oz/gal)2.80 a1.05 de
Control  —3.10 a4.50 a
  • zFungicides Bayleton (triadimefon) and Compass® (trifloxystrobin) were applied starting early May and the insecticide Sevin® (carbaryl) was added in a tank mix starting in mid-June when Japanese beetles were detected in insect traps.

  • yDisease severity readings: 1 = 1% to 10%, 2 = 11% to 25%, 3 = 26% to 50%, 4 = 51% to 75%, and 5 = 76% to 100% plant showing symptoms. Numbers followed by common letters in the same column are statistically similar at P = 0.05 according to analysis of variance (Proc GLM) and least significant differences (LSD) calculated by Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS Institute 1990).