Table 2.

Red maple (Acer rubrum) P values of a priori contrasts for cross-sectional trunk area growth for 3 years after transplanting, shoot extension (mean of five shoots per replication) for 2 years after transplanting, and leaf nitrogen content (pooled sample of five leaves per replication) the third year after transplanting.

Trunkz growth 2000Trunk growth 2001Trunk growth 2002Shooty extension 2000Shoot extension 2001Leafx nitrogen 2002
ContrastsP > F
Irrigated, fertilized at planting vs. not fertilized at planting (FSPI vs. FSI)0.1580.7570.0130.0930.4380.373
Not irrigated, fertilized at planting vs. not fertilized at planting (FSP vs. FS)0.3390.5980.9590.5620.3920.209
Irrigated, spring fertilization vs. fall fertilization (FSI vs. FFI)0.1470.7990.0140.2570.6540.117
Irrigated, fertilized vs. not fertilized (FSPI, FSI, FFI vs. NFI)0.4310.6170.6240.5920.3700.190
Fertilized, irrigated vs. not irrigated (FSPI, FSI, FFI vs. FSP, FS, FF, FSp)0.6040.0810.1230.9660.1790.193
Not fertilized, irrigated vs. not irrigated (NFI vs. NF)0.3620.4180.4950.7170.0650.612
Not irrigated, spring fertilization vs. ½ spring + ½ fall (FS vs. FSp)0.3120.9860.3960.1900.5210.700
Not irrigated, fall fertilization vs. ½ spring + ½ fall (FF vs. FSp)0.7580.3480.6900.2670.3390.626
Fall fertilization vs. spring fertilization (FSI, FFI vs. FS, FF)0.6060.3710.1390.5150.6020.606
  • zContrasts are for rate of change from multivariate repeated measures analysis of variance (n = 6).

  • yn = 6 with five subsamples per replication.

  • xNitrogen content is percent of dry weight (n = 4).