Table 1.

Record form for the field survey of roadside trees in urban Hong Kong.

  • (A) Basic information


    Date (D)__________(M)__________(Y)__________

    Map ref.________________



    Tree no.________________


    Species code________________

  • (B) Site characteristics

    Building setback:

    1. Building with setback

    2. Building without setback

    3. No building

    Land use:

    1. High density—commercial

    2. High density—commercial and residential

    3. High density—residential

    4. Medium density—residential

    5. Low density—residential

    6. Government, institutional, and community

    7. Industrial

    8. Temporary use

    9. Open space

    10. Hillside

    11. Other________________

    Adjacent surface:

    1. Sealed

    2. Pervious pavers

    3. Open soil

  • (C) Growing space

    Roadside location:

    1. Pavement

    2. Road edge—vehicle side

    3. Road edge—building side

    4. Road center

    5. Center of lane or street

    6. Terrace

    7. Cul-de-sac

    8. Traffic island

    9. Incidental plot

    10. Other________________


    1. Tree pit—with grille

    2. Tree pit—no grille

    3. Irregular opening

    4. Paved to trunk base

    5. Tree strip

    6. Planter—movable

    7. Planter—fixed

    8. Other________________


    1. Level—with enclosure

    2. Level—no enclosure

    3. Raised—with enclosure

    4. Raised—no enclosure

    Guard or support:

    1. Tree guard

    2. Permanent support

    3. Temporary support

    4. Nil

    Site dimensions:

    • Ground width ________________ m

    • Awning width ________________ m

    • Awning height ________________ m

    • Soil width ________________ m

    • Trunk-to-curb ________________ m

    • Traffic lanes ________________ (no.)

    • Parking space ________________ (0/1)

  • (D) Tree structure


    • Girth ________________ cm

    • Height ________________ m

    • (D = ________________ m)

    • (Angle = ________________ deg.)

    • (Observer ht. ________________ m)

    • Crown ________________ m

    Crown restriction:

    1. No restriction

    2. Property side

    3. Road side

    4. Both sides

  • (E) Defects and disorders

    Surface or roots:

    1. Cracked paving

    2. Heaved paving

    3. Exposed roots

    4. Girdling roots

    5. Adventitious sprouts

    6. Low soil level

    7. Compacted soil


    • 8. Leaning

    • 9. Curved or crooked

    • 10. Large wound (>1/2 diameter)

    • 11. Cavity—good cover

    • 12. Cavity—poor cover

    • 13. Cavity—no cover

    • 14. Tree-tie injury

    • 15. At or beyond curb

    • 16. Vandal evidence


    • 17. Low branches (<2 m [6.6 ft])

    • 18. Multiple stems

    • 19. V-crotch

    • 20. Embedded bark

    • 21. Crossed branches

    • 22. Branch stub

    • 23. Lost limb

    • 24. Fungal stool

    Crown or foliage:

    • 25. Sparse crown/foliage

    • 26. Unbalanced crown

    • 27. Stunted crown

    • 28. Leaf wilting/yellowing

    • 29. Leaf damage/deformation

    • 30. Advertisement sign conflict

    Hindrance to growth:

    • 31. Trunk

    • 32. Crown headroom

    • 33. Crown lateral room

    Overall rating:

    • 1. Excellent

    • 2. Good

    • 3. Fair

    • 4. Poor

    • 5. Dying

  • (F) Special features

  • (G) Sketch