Plot IDz | Unique identifier |
Plot addressy | |
Date and crew | |
Photo number | Used to help identify plot |
Measurement unitsz | Units for all measurement in the plot; metric (m/cm) or English (ft/in) |
Reference objectsy | At least two objects that will assist in locating plot center for future plot remeasurements |
Distance to reference objecty | Distance from plot center to each reference object (ft or m) |
Direction to objecty | Direction from plot center to each reference object (degrees) |
Tree measurement point (TMP)y | If plot center falls on a building or other surface (such as a highway) where plot center cannot be accessed, the plot is not moved; all distances and directions to trees are measured and recorded from a recorded fixed point (e.g., building corner) referred to as the TMP |
Percent measuredz | Proportion of the plot that is actually measured as portions of plot may be denied access |
Land usez | As determined by crew in the field from a standard list of land uses |
Percent inz | Proportion of the plot in each land use to nearest 1% |
Tree coverz | Percent of plot area covered by tree canopies estimated to nearest 5% |
Shrub coverz | Percent of plot area covered by shrub canopies estimated to nearest 5% |
Plantable space | Percent of plot area that is plantable for trees (i.e., plantable soils space not filled with tree canopies) and tree planting would not be restricted as a result of land use (footpath, baseball field, and so on); to nearest 5% |