Table 3.

Percentage of redbay trees with greater than one-third crown wilt symptoms and from which Raffaelea spp. was reisolated after fungicide injection and pathogen inoculation treatments.

Tree injection treatmentTree inoculation treatmentNo. of treesCumulative number of trees with wilt symptoms in more than one-third of the crown by time since inoculationNumber of trees from which Raffaelea spp. was reisolatedy
6 weeks9 weeksz12.5 weeksz30 weeksz
PropiconazoleRaffaelea spp. plug1000000
NoneRaffaelea spp. plug1037998
NoneSterile agar plug500000
  • zAmong trees inoculated with Raffaelea spp., the proportion of trees with greater than one-third crown wilt symptoms significantly differed between the propiconazole group and the untreated group after 9 weeks (χ2 = 10.77, P = 0.001) and 12.5 or more weeks (χ2 = 16.36, P = 0.0001).

  • yAmong trees inoculated with Raffaelea spp., the proportion of trees from which Raffaelea spp. was reisolated significantly differed between the propiconazole group and the untreated group (χ2 = 13.33, P = 0.0003).