Table 2.

Mean linear mycelial growth, growth rate, and percent growth inhibition of Raffaelea spp. on fungicide-amended and unamended (control) acidified potato dextrose agar (APDA) in vitro.z

FungicideFungicide concentration (ppm)Accumulated linear growth (mm)Linear growth rate (mm/day)Percent growth inhibitionStatus of inoculum after 2 weeks
1 week2 weeks
Propiconazole  0.01  4.1 c10.8 c  0.8 c84.0 bAlive
  0.1  0.0 d  0.0 d  0.0 d100.0 aAlive
  1  0.0 d  0.0 d  0.0 d100.0 aDead
10  0.0 d  0.0 d  0.0 d100.0 aDead
50  0.0 d  0.0 d  0.0 d100.0 aDead
Thiabendazole  0.0129.2 a66.1 ab  4.7 ab  2.3 dAlive
  0.125.8 b64.2 b  4.6 b  5.2 cAlive
  1  4.7 c10.3 c  0.7 c84.9 bAlive
10  0.0 d  0.0 d  0.0 d100.0 aAlive
50  0.0 d  0.0 d  0.0 d100.0 aAlive
Control  027.9 a67.7 a  4.8 aN/AAlive
  • zWithin columns, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P > 0.05) as determined by one-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s honestly significant difference test.

  • N/A = not applicable.